Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Matrix Effect
I was watching one of the premium cable channels the other night. I viewed the "Matrix Reloaded", a second part of 3 movies by the Wachosky Brothers who are now brother and sister.
The first of the series, " The Matrix ", starred Reanu Reeves. He did a nice job on the film as did the supporting cast.
There was a scene where Kung Fu was being downloaded into Neo's brain. Through the world of virtual reality Neo awoke and exclaimed, 'I know Kung Fu.'
Here lies the problem and what I call the Matrix Effect. Young people today are tech geeks, living in a world where computer savvy is more valued than physical development and contact.
As a Sifu teaching Chinese martial arts I get to see firsthand the impact of the computer age. Truth be told, our youngest and brightest opt out for thumb exercises over all around developoment. You see, in the tech world, playing the computer game holds as much, if not more value than training hands on. So Reeves gets to look at everyone with a straight face and say, 'I know Kung Fu.'And it is believed because it is a movie and because this is very close to how folks are living their lives.
There is no blowback for quitting. In fact, you are considered a mean parent if you try to press your child into completing a task or a sport. Kung Fu?
Maybe someday you will be able to really say 'I know Kung Fu' without putting in all those thousands of hours that it takes to master the art.
I truly hope not.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
How Do You feel Now---Still Support the President?
Well, if you do then you are a true sycophant. Let's look at what were some of his promises for the future.
The Affordable Care Act was promised to cost us less, not reduce benefits to the elderly, give insurance to the poor and the young. It did not do any of these things. HHS Secretary Sebelius has a gag order on insurance companies that prohibits them from advising Americans that all benefits will be reduced. And your premiums will increase substantially.
Congressmen are threatening to retire because they thought they would be exempt or at least were hoping that Obamacare was all BHO claimed it was. It isn't and they are not happy.
The unions want to be exempt. They drove out the vote to get it in. They should at least have to eat what they cooked. Most of us wanted nothing to do with it.
" We will be the most transparnt administration in US history" Nope, not even close. In fact, many lib/progressive media are remarking that his admin. is the least transparent...ever.
Benghazy...the ambassador killed on 9/11 and we still do not know where the prez was that night...we don't know if he sat and watched the drone video that others claimed was piped into the situation room...we don't know who the 25 state dept employees are, the ones who could give all of us a first hand story on what happened exactly and when. We don't have the cables for the first few, important hours. And it goes on and on.
NSA spying on all of us. If we believe that all this spying IS necessary then how come we didn't interrupt the Boston guys...plenty of red flags there. What about Mr Hasan the military did he get through. They knew all about him.
AP news and Fox News spying, call tapping on cell and home phones, e-mails, etc. What are we to think here? First amendment out the window. AG Holder lies and gets away with it? He went to 3 different judges, the first 2 refusing to sign the warrant. He lied to get the warrant by saying the reporter was a co-conspirator and a flight risk. Then when that was debunked, said that they had no intent on bringing charges. So fishing expeditions, like the NSA Prism program are the order of the day?
There's more. Stay with it and insist, like the dems do, on investigations.
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